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IT & Technology Articles.

5 Reasons Why Microsoft 365 is the Right Place to Start

5 Reasons Why Microsoft 365 is the Right Place to Start

The idea of moving your business processes to the cloud can feel as daunting as other essential organizational changes that your business might take on. It provokes concerns about giving up control, data security, and system reliability. Yet, in the meantime your...

Tech Tip Tuesday: Why you need to have redundant backups

Tech Tip Tuesday: Why you need to have redundant backups

Businesses have a lot of critical data stored and it’s extremely important to keep that data protected and backed up. How costly can data loss be? How can you protect yourself from it? Here’s what you should know about backups, redundancy and why being a little...

Not Happy with Your Current IT Provider? Why it Pays to Switch

Not Happy with Your Current IT Provider? Why it Pays to Switch

If you’re reading this article, chances are you already know it’s time to break things off with your IT provider. You’re looking to justify how you feel about the fact that you can’t easily file support tickets. It seems like they never communicate with you. Or when...

Tech Tip Tuesday: How to avoid being tricked by a phishing email

Tech Tip Tuesday: How to avoid being tricked by a phishing email

Phishing emails is one way that a business could be hacked. That means everyone needs to be suspicious of links and attachments from people you do not know – even people you do know. When someone is phishing, they are sending emails with links to fake websites to...

9 Signs Your IT Isn’t Serving You and What to Do About It

9 Signs Your IT Isn’t Serving You and What to Do About It

Information technology now plays a major role in any given workplace. IT issues like chronic downtime, slow equipment, and security threats stand to undermine your bottom line. But despite the critical role they play, many businesses find that dealing with their IT...

It’s Never Too Late to Budget for next year. Start here.

It’s Never Too Late to Budget for next year. Start here.

The bad news: When the year is ending in a matter of a few weeks and you haven’t planned your technology strategy or budget for the coming year. The good news: it’s never too late. Let’s face it: the thought of planning your technology for next year is overwhelming...

When ‘Leave Well Enough Alone’ Isn’t a Good Idea

When ‘Leave Well Enough Alone’ Isn’t a Good Idea

In the demanding year-end period of planning for next year and putting budgets into place, “leave well enough alone” may get applied to projects and equipment that seem to be holding up pretty well. You might think hopefully they can be put off for another year. This...